Roller Skating Birthday


There was cake. There were cupcakes and roller skates. The ice-cream was a wonderful, soupy mess. The neon-colored Happy Birthday signs and arcade games? Lit up. The almost falling-down and the soul-level giddiness? Epic. This wasn’t a child’s birthday party, it was mine! I felt like a twelve-year old princess flying around the rink holding my friends’ hands and trying harder than a competitive hot dog eating contender to gain enough speed to allow my caftan to float behind me like a flag. You know, because twelve-year olds wear caftans to their birthday celebrations.

It was such a great feeling to be able to provide 20 or so friends with an opportunity to have completely unfiltered fun; to take off their grown-up hats for a couple of hours and just be free. (Whitney Layne, I’m still very sorry you almost got taken down by that Dad who took the opportunity to grope you while steadying his balance.)

I would suggest to any adult whether you be in you 20’s, 30’s or 60’s to book yourself a skating party and celebrate being alive. Don’t stop doing things that make you feel uninhibited; the kind of happy you feel buzzing around in your stomach; and as young as you feel on the inside. These kinds of moments in life are the most well-spent. So spend them. Spend them in the kind of way you see in movies when at the end the down-on-their-luck turned blissfully happy main character throws their hundred dollar bills into a crowd of unsuspecting pedestrians, ecstatic to be able to spread some love and joy. And if you don’t have hundred dollar bills, I assure you a smile, a kind word and an extra piece of buttercream birthday cake will do.

Now go skate!






















8 Comments on “Roller Skating Birthday”

  1. Happy birthday! I haven’t been to one of these for a loooonnnngggg time. You brought a smile to my lips and lovely memories to mind. Thank you! xoxoM

  2. I’m so sorry I missed wishing you Happy Birthday.
    What a wonderful idea! Roller skating use to be a big part of my life and it always made me feel happy and free. Believe it or not I had blue suede roller skates.

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